Category: Server Stuff

More Mail Stuff | 4/13/2024

So I subscribed to SMTP2GO doing their buy ten months and get two free and added it as a round robin relay, along with my MailChannels settings in SmarterMail, and after a few days of good delivery, cut over 100% to SMTP2GO. It has just worked! The dashbo[.....]

SMTP backbones | 3/24/2024

I've had something of a bad taste in my mouth regarding MailChannels and the 18 hour outage I had due to massive miscommunication and lack of communications channels with them. Recently, they updated their published pricing, posting a minimum $500/month ch[.....]

now stranded hosting | 9/21/2023

Update 9/22: MailChannels Support finally got back in touch about noon and realized what had happened, restored services, and offered their sincere apologies. We had a constructive exchange concerning some improvements that they may wish to consider in the[.....]

Hosting (again) | 8/30/2023

So I've pulled the trigger and everything is live on GoDaddy. The webhost is working well, nice and responsive, I did a pilot site for about a month and had good uptime with that. GoDaddy has one very convenient feature: the recovery console. Every so ofte[.....]

Hosting Fun - the drama continues | 8/22/2023

Recap: August 10, I get an email saying the legacy hosting platform was ending at the end of September. I replied immediately per the request. I got a preliminary "we can make the ports work" reply about my concerns about mail on AWS - but no actual quote.[.....]

A word on server config | 8/21/2023

First of all, I am a developer not a security expert. I do have some experience and expertise in setting up a windows server that does what I need it to do. I figured I could set out some of what I am up to whilst I am knee deep in migrations. Take the inf[.....]

More Hosting Fun | 8/14/2023

So last Thursday morning the current hosting company sent an email saying they were shutting down all their own servers Sept 29, and would be offering AWS hosting going forward, thus it turned out my concerns were justified. My GoDaddy experience has been[.....]

Hosting Adventure | 8/9/2023

Just an update, I've had to pause the .Net Core dev for the moment while I deal with changing hosting. I've been with my current company for about 15 years, and until the last year or so, they've been great. However, when I wanted to update to a newer wind[.....]

Web Hosting | 11/9/2008

It's now that time again as I decide to move on to another hosting provider. While HMS has been very responsive, I've frankly gotten sick of running out of memory because someone sent me a 5MB+ email attachment which, when converted to binary, needs just a[.....]

Web Hosting | 11/1/2006

In the long-long ago, I had my web hosting on the VUSE UNIX servers. It came as part of my School of Engineering server space on the network. After graduation, I moved on to EarthLink and the free web space (I think it was in the 5MB-8MB range) that went w[.....]